palchi centrali


An exclusive and reserved environment - equipped with comfortable and spacious padded seats, minibar, TV monitor and dedicated hostess service - where you can enjoy the match from a very central location without missing a single moment of the challenge.

Hospitality service is available in the Executive Lounge, with an express buffet catering service and reserved table in the pre-match and half-time periods, or alternatively at the "Piazza della Liberta" Restaurant, an exclusive area with placé service at a reserved table.

palchi centrali

what is included


  • Ticket in the Central Box sector
  • Access to the Executive Hall with express buffet catering service and reserved table in the pre-match and half-time (alternatively access to the "Piazza della Liberta" Restaurant with reserved table service)
  • Account Manager
  • Reception service
  • Dedicated hostess service
  • Show Cooking
  • TV monitor and bar fridge
  • No. 1 Parking Pass (in case of 4 purchases)
  • Digital tickets for all matches
  • External customisation of the Stage with company logo (in the case of purchase of the complete Stage)
  • Logo displayed on Hospitality Totem (in the case of purchasing the complete Stage)
  • Logo displayed on the website in the dedicated section (in the case of purchase of the complete Stage)
  • Dedicated help-line



Single place with Executive Lounge: € 6,500 + VAT

Single place with 'Piazza della Liberta' Restaurant: € 8,000 + VAT

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the exclusive hospitality programme that allows you to experience Lazio matches at the Stadio Olimpico


the exclusive hospitality programme that allows you to experience Lazio matches at the Stadio Olimpico

Biglietteria | Corporate Hospitality Palco Centrale